Detector per il SOTTOSUOLO


Compact Triple-Sensor Metal, Carbon Rod and Command Wire Detector

Presentazione Aziendale
Certificazione ISO 9001

  • High detection sensitivity of magnetic and non-magnetic low metal content mines in all soil conditions
  • Enhanced IED detection of targets such as electrical conductive, non-metallic devices (i.e. graphite switches), short wires and high resistivity metals
  • Command wire detection of conductors of any diameter and type with no nuisance alarms due to other metal targets and clutter
  • Separate acoustic, visual and tactile alarm signalling for each class of target
  • High immunity against external interferences, (i.e. portable transceivers, power lines or generators) and capability to operate within the coverage of ECM Jammers
  • Compact and lightweight DESIGN ideal for rapid deployments with minimum storage space required
  • Superior adaption to all types of soils even if heavily mineralized and magnetic

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High detection sensitivity of magnetic and non-magnetic low metal content mines in all soil conditions; enhanced IED detection of targets such as electrical conductive, non-metallic devices (i.e. graphite switches), short wires and high resistivity metals; command wire detection of conductors of any diameter and type with no nuisance alarms due to other metal targets and clutter

CMD3 - detail

Triple-Sensor Technology

CMD®3 consists of a search head, a control unit, a telescopic pole and an elbow support jointed together in a one-piece design. The detection head is light and the cabling is protected from any possible damage.

The one-piece foldable design allows the CMD®3 to be operational in a very short time and easily carried everywhere.

The Detector offers the best combination of functional and operational characteristics: it provides the highest ratio between overall dimensions, detection performance and operational weight.

CMD®3 does not require any manual calibration; in addition, optimum sensitivity is ensured over all types of terrain due to CEIA’s Exclusive Automatic Soil Compensation System.

Localization of the threats is assisted by an Acoustic Modulation pinpointing system aided by Visual LED bar-graphs, which allows the position of the detected item to be identified accurately.

Integrated GPS and data logging system for traceability and quality control of clearance operation.

Command Wire detection capability independent from the orientation of the search head.

Visual signalling selectable as visible or infrared mode (compatible with night vision devices).

Operable up to one meter distance from detector to detector.

Battery level monitoring with notice before complete discharge.