Detectores BAJO TIERRA
Tests carried out under controlled conditions by Authoritative International Bodies demonstrate that the CEIA Metal Detectors provide overall superior performance in the areas of detection distance, soil compensation capability and immunity to external interference.
Thanks to the extensive use of robotic and automated production systems, CEIA is able to offer the humanitarian market equipment that satisfies military quality and reliability standards at extremely competitive prices.
Presentación de la compañía

Certificación ISO 9001

Carga de baterías de alto rendimiento para el Detector de Metales bajo tierra CEIA MIL-D1®, mando por microprocesador, universal, rápido, robusto y seguro
Juego completo de instrumentos necesarios para la conservación técnica de los Detectores de Metales CEIA MIL-D1® y MIL-D1®/DS
Conjunto especial de simulación e instrumental de medida de la profundidad de detección de los metales y del umbral de discriminación de los Detectores de Metales en diferentes condiciones del terreno
Dispositivo para la programación en campo
The external loudspeaker is a very high reliability, external alarm loudspeaker. It has the same operation of the headphone normally supplied with the detector.
Plugs directly to the GSMD Headphone Connector
The GSMD-HELMET-RDU is a very compact signaling device designed to operate in conjunction with CEIA Ground Search Metal Detectors.
The CEIA DGNSS is a Differential Global Navigation Satellite System for use with CEIA DSMD® Metal Detectors, allowing the combined recording of differential georeferencing data, with centrimetic precision, and metal detector output signal strength on an embedded memory. Upon search operations completion, all recorded data can be exported to a PC system for postprocessing, map overlaying, screen visualization and mass storage recording.
Metal Detector Alarms Post-Processing
High accuracy centimeter-level differential geolocation unit for the EMVS system
The EMVS-PRCU is a battery self-powered unit that allows remote control of the CEIA EMVS system. It can be used for supervising purposes or in combination with the vehicle's remote driving system with no-operator inside the cockpit.