SECURITY Detection


Walk-Through Metal Detectors for integration in Mantrap Security Doors

Company Presentation
ISO 9001 Certification

Visit us at
IAVM VenueConnect
Portland, OR - United States of America
28 - 31 July 2024
Exhibitor: CEIA USA Ltd. - Booth 1405

ACA - American Correctional Association - Annual Conference
Nashville, TN - United States of America
15 - 18 August 2024
Exhibitor: CEIA USA Ltd. - Ferromagnetic Div.

FCCD - Florida Council on Crime and Delinquency
St. Petersburgh, FL - United States of America
26 - 29 August 2024
Exhibitor: CEIA USA Ltd.

See upcoming events >>
  • High discrimination of metal personal effects
  • High Immunity to Electrical and Mechanical Interferences
  • High Reliability
  • Affordable Price



This metal detector is the most used in airlock-type cabin entrances: the 02PN8’s high levels of sensitivity, discrimination and immunity have been recognized by the type-approval of many institutions.

02PN8 - detail

02PN8 HI-PE/AS is available also as panels

02PN8 Mantrap Security Metal Detector Operation