Detektoren für die SICHERHEIT

EMIS® 130160
EMIS® 130200

Automatische Kontrolleinrichtung für nicht metallische Fracht

Meet ECAC Performance Standard

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ISO 9001 Zertifizierung

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County Sheriff of Colorado (CSOC) - Winter Conference
Loveland, CO - United States of America
20 - 24 Januar 2025
Aussteller: CEIA USA Ltd.

Messen und Veranstaltungen >>
  • Komplett automatische Erkennung von Zündern und Metallkomponenten in Sprengkörpern
  • Ideal für die Inspektion verderblicher Waren, Zeitungen und organischem Material im Allgemeinen
  • Elektromagnetisches Feld mit geringer Intensität: keine Ionisationsstrahlung
  • Kein dedizierter Bediener notwendig
  • In verschiedenen Größen zur Inspektion einzelner Packungen oder ganzer Paletten verfügbar
  • Komplettes Datenlogging und exakte Nachverfolgbarkeit
  • Massivbau: keine regelmäßige Wartung oder Kalibrierung notwendig

Click To View English - US Brochure


EMIS 130160 - EMIS 130200

EMIS® models 130160 and 130200 are the first available automatic e.m. scanners for inspection of entire pallets of non-metallic cargo. Moreover, the CEIA EMIS® Series are the first e.m. scanners that have been qualified according to the TSA Air Cargo Screening Program. They are also the first devices that have been tested under the ECAC Common Evaluation Process Framework and meet the ECAC performance standard for Metal Detection Equipment (MDE).

Fully automatic detection

The EMIS® is designed to automatically detect detonators and metal components of explosive devices inside paper, newspaper, perishable goods such as produce, fish and meat (fresh or frozen) and organic material in general. Electromagnetic inspection is the most suitable and quickest method for checking non-metallic cargo. The advanced technology employed in the EMIS® minimizes the interaction with the goods themselves and does not depend on visual interpretation of an image by an operator.

Efficiency and low cost of ownership

The EMIS® offers the ability to automatically screen complete pallets, helping to avoid the need for breakdown and ensuring the highest throughputs are maintained when compared to other approved technologies. The automatic electromagnetic analysis offers a superior level of detection performance guaranteeing the safety of all shipments.
The automated screening process does not require the use of an operator for image interpretation and no regular staff rotation periods for constant operation. Peak periods can be helped by the increased throughput EMIS® offers, combined with the ability to redeploy staff normally associated with image interpretation to areas where they are most needed.
The solidstate construction requires no periodic maintenance or calibration ensuring a substantial reduction in the life-cycle costs of the equipment.