SECURITY Detection
SMD®601 Plus Loss Prevention
Loss Prevention Metal Detector
Company Presentation

ISO 9001 Certification

SMD®601 Plus Loss Prevention
Loss Prevention Metal Detector
- Provides an inspection of personnel to prevent removal of critical metallic objects from warehouses or production facilities
- Discovers very small metallic items while ignoring non-removable metals
- Detects items carried anywhere on and inside the body
- Greatly reduces losses through unprecedented detection levels and deterrence
- Increased throughput by pinpointing of alarm locations
- Extremely low nuisance alarm rate at high sensitivities
- Improves privacy with non-invasive search
- Random selection capability included
- Stand-alone solution (no PC or Server required)
- Simplified networking implementation (for multi-checkpoint requirements)
The SMD®601 Plus Loss Prevention Metal Detector prevents the theft or accidental removal of metallic objects. As people transit the system, their metal content is compared to a saved personal profile.
A profiled user presents their badge to the barcode reader. The user transits through the metal detector. The Metal Detector ignores profiled non-removable metal objects and does not alarm. The user transits through the metal detector with a target object. The target is detected and the Metal Detector shows its position.
Quick, accurate analysis of all parts of the body of people in transit
The superior uniformity of the electromagnetic field of the SMD®601 Plus Metal Detector provides very consistent metal detection readings on every transit.
This ground-breaking capability allows for individual creation of personal metallic signatures or metallic "profiles".
True metal content profile for the person being screened
These profiles can be taken while the individual may be wearing non-removable items, like dental works, medical implants, wedding rings and piercings, and are stored in the SMD®601 Plus embedded data base.
These personal profiles are used as a reference for every transit carried out by an individual, allowing detection of small targets while ignoring non-removable personal objects.
MDNA - Metal Detector Network Appliance
- Share User Profiles between up to 50 networked Metal Detectors
- Allows Users to transit trough any SMD®601 Plus performing a single global enrollment
- Keeps a redundant copy of the User Electromagnetic Profiles
- 7 Ethernet ports to directly connect up to 7 metal detectors without additional Ethernet switches
- Full web-based User interface
- Automatically joins directly attached SMD®601 Plus
Technical Drawings