Detectores para la SEGURIDAD

Seguridad de la Carga

Presentación de la compañía
Certificación ISO 9001

IAVM VenueConnect
Portland, OR - United States of America
28 - 31 Julio 2024
Expositor: CEIA USA Ltd. - Booth 1405

ACA - American Correctional Association - Annual Conference
Nashville, TN - United States of America
15 - 18 Agosto 2024
Expositor: CEIA USA Ltd. - Ferromagnetic Div.

FCCD - Florida Council on Crime and Delinquency
St. Petersburgh, FL - United States of America
26 - 29 Agosto 2024
Expositor: CEIA USA Ltd.

Exposiciones y Eventos >>

In today's air cargo screening environments, security, speed and accuracy are key factors. The EMIS® series for cargo screening offers a simple and highly effective way to screen packages or entire pallets for automatic detection of detonators, initiator devices and metal weapons inside non-metallic cargo such as paper, newspaper, perishable goods such as produce, fish and meat (fresh or frozen) and organic material in general with a fast analysis.